How to build a tennis court

Ever wondered what it takes to build a tennis court? It’s easy to watch the Wimbledon final and think that Centre Court has always been there. After all, it’s one of the most iconic British sporting venues. There is, however, a tried and tested method to building a court which requires a lot more than…

How to Kickoff Your Own Football Club

According to FA statistics, a colossal 8.2 million English adults – that’s one in five! – are now participating in football in some way. Despite often questionable displays from our team in major tournaments, football continues to maintain its status as the nation’s favourite sport, with grassroots football seeing more participation than ever before. Many…

Top five cricket field essentials

Cricket is one of the world’s oldest sports. Believed to date back as far as the Saxon times the first official record of cricket being played was in 1611 by a group of boys in South West England. During the same year cricket found its way to the English dictionary and was defined as a…

Top three threats to your artificial grass

Artificial grass is probably your pride and joy, whether it be a golf green, football pitch or hockey pitch. While it’s an excellent choice for these sports as it needs very little maintenance, there are a few things that could compromise your pitch. As a groundsman, you’ll want to be clued up on what these…

Attracting New Players To A Youth Football Team

Football is not only one of the most watched and followed sports in the United Kingdom, but it is also one of the most popular sports in the rest of the globe. Because of this, we have a flourishing grassroots scene on these shores, which is famous for producing some of the best British players…

Caring For A Sports Pitch In The Winter

Suppose you are a grounds person responsible for maintaining a sports pitch during the winter. In that case, whether it be for professionals or community members, it may be a challenging time of year. It is a challenging time of year for your lawn since the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting colder,…

Why Sports Field Maintenance Is So Important

Every sports field in the world needs proper care and maintenance, no matter where it is, how big it is, how many people use it, or what sport is played there. Maintenance is important because this is the only way for sports fields to stay new and keep their quality for decades. If you are…

3 Beach Sports to Play This Summer

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy time on the beach and there are a few sports that are best played on the sand. At Sportsmark, we have everything you need to keep the beach fun going on for the entire summer. What sports are best played on the beach? Here are the top three:…

Buying a Bootwiper: What You Should Know

Bootwipers are an essential tool to have available during muddy weather. They may be used to prevent people from tracking mud and clay into an indoor space or they may be set up outdoors. No one wants to play sports with their shoes full of heavy mud, so it’s helpful to wipe them clean before…

How to Prevent Moss from Growing on Older Buildings

While moss may provide a unique look to buildings, it can actually be rather destructive, due to holding moisture against structures. Over time, this may cause water damage. If you have older buildings that need to look clean and tidy, you’ll need to eliminate the moss. What Is Moss? Moss is actually a variety of…

Managing Common Sports Field Problems

When attempting to maintain a field, be it a cricket field, rugby, or other, you need to know what you’re facing. There are many issues that can appear in these fields and if you wish to keep them in perfect shape, you have to use the right tools. In this article, we’ll cover what some…

Tips for an Ecological Golf Course

Wondering how to make your golf course more eco-friendly? We have plenty of tips for you. Your guests will appreciate the fact that you are giving back and making a point of creating a golf course that is ideal for nature. While humans may use it, you want to avoid causing damage to the environment,…

What Are The Main Pieces Of Groundskeeper Equipment?

Whilst there is a wide range of groundskeeper equipment depending on the specific requirements of the grounds which require maintenance, there are some core pieces of equipment that are invaluable to this role. In addition to equipment such as high-specification lawnmowers, there is also specialist equipment that is crucial in individual contexts. In the context…

A Beginners Guide To Bike Polo

There are many sports that are iconic around the world, such as football and basketball. Then there are the sports played mostly in certain countries such as American football and ice hockey. And then there are the underrated sports that deserve a bit more of a spotlight and attention. One of these sports is bike…